Phytonutrients and preB (Prebiotics).

preB (Prebiotics) is full of phytonutrients (plant nutrients). While known for its prebiotic effect on the body, preB's power is in its 56 fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and grains, selected by macrobiotic principles, and fermented together for a supreme, unexcelled, phytonutrient-dense product. 

The increased media attention to the food components called phytonutrients is hard to miss. Research on these naturally-occurring plant chemicals has been intense recently, with many reports of their healthful properties in the news. Much of this publicity surrounds the powerful antioxidants. These are found in many fruits and fruit juices, vegetables, (which preB (Prebiotics) is full of), and beverages such as tea, wine, and beer1.

Phytonutrients in preB (Prebiotics) ingredients The greater your dietary intake of these vital nutrients, by eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, the more health protection you have. Studies show that for maximum protection against common diseases, a variety of food sources is more important than eating a narrow range of foods. The health power of preB (Prebiotics)comes from an entire garden and orchard of fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and grains.  

Flavonoids A Class of Phytonutrients in preB (Prebiotics) 

Perhaps the most numerous type of phytonutrients are flavonoids, which are the red, blue, and purple pigments in plants, especially in their skins. Flavonoids are an important part of the human diet. Among the more important effects of flavonoids on human health are:
    Improving and protecting your heart health
    Helping prevent cancer
    Boosting your anti-inflammatory and immune systems
Super Fruites and Other Health Food Trends
Flavonoids have been shown to have a variety of beneficial effects on heart function. Plant-based diets, containing a variety of nutrient-dense plant foods (like preB (Prebiotics)) can reduce cholesterol levels1. Whole grains, such as those found in preB (Prebiotics), also improve heart health by lowering cholesterol and improving insulin sensitivity, especially among the overweight and obese2. Closely linked with heart health is the risk of stroke, and fruits and vegetables such as those found in preB (Prebiotics) significantly reduce the risk of both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke3

Sterols A Class of Phytonutrients in preB (Prebiotics)
Plant sterols (phytosterols) have been found to possess potent cholesterol-lowering properties. Present in significant quantities in several preB (Prebiotics) components, especially soy beans, phytosterols markedly reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestinal tract4.

Polyphenols A Class of Phytonutrients in preB (Prebiotics)
Another class of phytonutrients are polyphenols. Polyphenols in fruits and vegetables have important effects on cancer risk. An outstanding example of this are the polyphenols in the humble apple and its peel. In fact, for cancer prevention, the peel of the apple appears to be more effective than the apple itself, especially in liver, colon and breast cancer prevention5. Apples are just one of the constituents of preB (Prebiotics). Likewise, grapes, which are found in preB (Prebiotics), also contain polyphenol compounds with cancer-fighting properties. One of these (pterostilbene), along with its cancer-fighting ability, also lowers blood fats. It is even better than resveratrol, another, more famous, grape component with health benefits6.

An additional polyphenol flavonoid found in grapes and mangoes, (both ingredients of preB (Prebiotics)), has been found to cause human pancreas cancer tumor cells to die in laboratory studies. It is also effective against prostate cancer cells. Many fruits and vegetables have this property7.

B Vitamins A Class of Phytonutrients in preB
Present in many preB (Prebiotics) ingredients are the B vitamins like vitamins B6, B12, and folate. If you are of average or below-average weight, you will have a reduced risk of pancreatic cancer when your diet is rich in these phytonutrients. Whole grain cereals like oats and barley, as well as green vegetables such as cabbage and collards are good sources of these important B nutrients8. preB (Prebiotics) is loaded with these ingredient-sources of B vitamins.

Whole grains like those in preB (Prebiotics) are noted for their protection against colon cancer. As rich sources of phytonutrients as well as fiber, whole grains contain significant antioxidant polyphenols. Cancer cells are suppressed when these polyphenols are combined with the fiber in whole grains9.

Even the common cabbage, an ingredient in preB (Prebiotics), has cancer-fighting properties because of its phytonutrients. Women who ate cabbage three times a week, either raw or as sauerkraut, had a significantly reduced breast cancer risk compared with those who ate cabbage only once a week10. Cabbage and other plant foods from the brassica family, (such as collards), also reduce risk of lung cancer in those with a genetic susceptibility11.

Anti-inflammatories in preB (Prebiotics)
Inflammation due to oxidative stress is a common feature of all chronic diseases. A diet rich in the polyphenol nutrients found in apples, oranges, and other fruits and vegetables of the preB (Prebiotics) macrobiotic formula protects against the inflammation which causes neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's12.

The polyphenols in grape juice13, apples and apple juice14, fruit and vegetables juices in general14, and the flavanones in citrus fruits15 are all protective against the inflammatory damage responsible for brain aging. Fruits and vegetables containing such polyphenols are found in preB (Prebiotics). The same is true for the citrus fruits in preB (Prebiotics), as they contribute flavones which also offer protection against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's16.

Conclusion: preB (Prebiotics) is Full of Healthful Phytonutrients
Given the growing body of knowledge confirming the health-protective effects of phytonutrients, the wisdom of following a diet containing a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is clear. Because of its prebiotic formulation, and natural fermentations, preB (Prebiotics)contains the concentrated key components of a variety of fruits, vegetables and grains. It is a convenient way of gaining this important health protection along with its prebiotic effects.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.