preB (Prebiotics) Ingredient Descriptions

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From warmer climates, and macrobiotically "yin,"when fermented provide high levels of vitamin A due to high carotenoid content. This contributes to reduced fat cell formation and improved insulin sensitivity from highly bioavailable carotenoids. Mango's moderate amounts of calcium, phosphorous, postassium and vitamin C, are retained after fermentation, and add to its nutritional benefits.


A “yin” fruit in macrobiotics, melons are noted for retaining significant vitamin A (growth, skin, cancer, fat formation, insulin sensitivity) after being fermented. Valuable minerals such as magnesium (enzymes, bones, muscles), phosphorous (bones, cells), and potassium (cells, nerves) are also present. Significant vitamin C (immunity) and cholesterol-reducing plant sterols remain available for absorption from this valuable fruit.


One of the very few alkalinizing grains, millet outdoes the major macrobiotic food brown rice in some B vitamins, copper and iron. A good source of prebiotic fiber, after fermentation this grain also provides significant magnesium, (metabolism, bones, nerves) zinc (growth, healing, immunity), copper (blood cells, bones), manganese (enzymes, bones, muscles), selenium (immunity, heart function), niacin (energy production), and folate (DNA, birth defects).


As a macrobiotic whole grain, oats retain their abundant prebiotic fiber when fermented, as well as exceptional levels of the minerals zinc, copper, and manganese. Added to this are very high levels of potassium, phosporous, magnesium, and calcium. These essential dietary elements are concentrated during fermentation and highly available. The combination of cereal fiber and protein in oats significantly reduces hypertension risk.


In macrobiotic terms, a "yin" tropical fruit, which when fermented concentrates its high levels of calcium and folate. Significant sterol content contributes to cholesterol lowering effects. Like other citrus fruits, oranges contain flavones which counteract free radical-caused DNA damage. Scavenging free radicals reduces Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative disease risk.

Passion Fruit

Grown in temperate areas, this fruit contains significant prebiotic fiber after fermentation, together with a high level of vitamin C (immunity), potassium (cellular and nervous system), B vitamin niacin (energy production), and significant carotenoid vitamin A (vision, immunity).


A temperate region legume favored in macrobiotics, peas contribute significant prebiotic fiber and high vitamin C value. Fermentation concentrates the potassium (cells, nerves), calcium (bones), folate (DNA, birth defects), and vitamin A (growth, skin, cancer, fat formation, insulin sensitivity) content. This nourishing food also provides carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin which improve the cardiovascular system and boost NK cells vital to the immune system.


A temperate climate fruit, Pear fits the macrobiotic preference, and when fermented retains significant sterol content for cholesterol control, plus prebiotic fiber. Pears also contribute significant vitamin A (for growth, skin, vision), some vitamin C (immune system), plus minerals like calcium (bone thealth), magnesium, (metabolism, bones, nerves), phosphorous (bones, cells), and postassium (cells, nerves). In common with other fruits, pears' vitamin and mineral content improve bone health and reduce osteoporisis risk.


A group of macrobiotically “yin” tropical fruits, which, when fermented concentrates their high levels of calcium (bone), potassium (cells, nerves), vitamins C (immunity) and A (growth, skin, cancer, fat formation, insulin sensitivity), plus prebiotic fiber (intestinal health). These fruits also contribute important levels of sterols which lower cholesterol.


A temperate climate food, favored in macrobiotic diets, when fermented, plums retain their modest levels of phosporous, potassium, and vitamins C and A. Plums contribute useful amounts of choesterol-lowering sterols. The highly pigmented red skinned and red fleshed varieties contain healthful polyphenols which counter the destructive superoxide anion radical. They also help prevent oxidative damage to fats in brain cells and LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream, a main cause of heart disease.


A macrobiotically-preferred vegetable, when fermented, pumpkin contributes high levels of vitamin A. This provides cataract protection and reduces risk of some cancers. A metabolite of A vitamin also discourages fat cell formation and reduces insulin resistance. Pumpkin has significant amounts of potassium (cellular and nervous system) and cholesterol-lowering sterols.


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